The Wayward Apprentice Episode 3: The Disk
Nothing Happens By Chance Taedron walked into Aarik’s room and handed him a small disk, “It is old, very old, but it’s something you will want to read. It was in some archive boxes they were cleaning out of the Temple on Coruscant, I believe it was part of an investigation at some point in history.” Aarik looked inquisitively at his master and asked smiling, “What is it? The Treatise on the Seven Forms of Combat?” Taedron smirked at Aarik, no I saved that one for later. Just read it.” Aarik put the disk into his data pad and began reading the story..... Asaerin and his lover Kaneth VII lived with Kaneth's grandfather Chancellor Kaneth Nichoz V. Asaerin was the son of a palace employee that the Chancellor was fond of, when she died, he stayed on at the palace. Eventually, Asaerin became Kaneth's lover and the Chancellor treated him like a grandson. Kaneth's parents had been killed in a shuttle crash when he was very young. When they were young...